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(1 edit) (+1)

Fun game!

One problem i found is that you can place bookshelves and TV's for 0 cost and then sell them for 1. So i would place every one i drew, sell them all, and use the "draw new hand" until I have enough resources to do anything I want


Thanks for playing! :)
Oops, you found the exploit! I'll remove that in the full version

same here.

but the game is amazing - a lot of fun :D

Cool game. Good idea and a lot of fun. :)

I just had one problem: I sometimes have a hand of poltergeists but no furniture to possess. And since I have a small deck, if I pull a new hand, then I have a lot of furniture, but no poltergeists to possess them. ^^'

Since is easy to reset and the levels has little waves, it's not a big problem, but a possible solution would be to ensure that you have at least one of each card in each draw or else to be possible to possess the furnitures already in the room.

Hey Noskire, I'm glad you liked it and thank you for playing!

You bring up a good point! I guess part of that is bad RNG in a deckbuilder, but if it's too common, I agree it's bad player experience. I'll experiment with some ways to address that, thanks!